JSON API: Create a New Ledger

It is only possible to create a new ledger if none currently exists.

Refer to the create schema for a formal definition of the request and the create response schema for a definition of the response.

Route: /root/create

A minimal create request looks like this

  "name": "New Business Inc.",
  "currencies": [
      "code": "CAD",
      "decimals": 2

This creates a ledger with no accounts. The application can add accounts as required.


time is always present. If the errors attribute is present, the remaining attributes are not.

    "time": "ISO DateTime",
    "errors": [
            "text": "some informative error message",
            "arguments": []
    "ledger": {
        "uuid": "root account UUID",
        "revision": "hashed time with microseconds",
        "createdAt": "ISO DateTime",
        "updatedAt": "ISO DateTime"

A more comprehensive create request

  "language": "en-CA",
  "date": "2021-01-01",
  "domains": [
      "code": "Corp",
      "names": [
          "name": "General Corporate",
          "language": "en-CA"
          "name": "G\u00e9n\u00e9ral Corporatif",
          "language": "fr-CA"
  "currencies": [
      "code": "CAD",
      "decimals": 2
      "code": "ZZZ",
      "decimals": 4
  "names": [
      "name": "General Ledger Test",
      "language": "en-CA"
      "name": "Tester le grand livre",
      "language": "fr-CA"
  "rules": {
    "account": {
      "codeFormat": "\/^[a-z0-9\\-]+$\/i"
    "pageSize": 25,
    "_myAppRule": [
  "extra": "arbitrary string",
  "accounts": [
      "code": "1000",
      "name": "Assets",
      "category": true,
      "debit": true
      "code": "1100",
      "name": "Chequing Account",
      "parent": "1000",
      "debit": true