Currency Message

Currency messages define the currencies available to the Ledger. Abivia Ledger only manages the availability of currencies and the number of digits to retain after the decimal point. No currency conversion or formatting of values is performed.

Business Rules

  • Currency codes must be unique.
  • Currency codes are mapped to uppercase.
  • The number of decimal places to maintain for a Currency can be increased but only decreased if there are no Journal Entries or Accounts using it.
  • A Currency can only be deleted when there are no Accounts or Journal Entries using that Currency.

Currency Message Properties

Property Type Description
code string A unique identifier for the currency.
decimals int The number of decimal places to use for this currency.
revision string The revision hash code for the account.
toCode string A new currency code to be assigned in an update operation.

Requirements for each Command

Property Add Delete Get Update
code M M M M
decimals M _ _ O
revision _ _ _ M
toCode _ _ _ O
  • O - Optional
  • M - Must be supplied
  • X - Invalid
  • _ - Ignored